Tuesday, August 7, 2007

Real Men Cry

We've gotten some stupid mindset in American society where we tell our little boys, "Suck it up. Real men don't cry." I beg to differ. "Real men cry." Jesus was the greatest man to ever live and walk on planet earth. He never abused a woman emotionally to get what He wanted physically. He never beat anybody up. He never cut anybody. He never hustled anybody. He never manipulated anybody. He took the sins of the world upon Himself. He was beaten in the process of crucifixion so bad that He didn't even look like a man. What did He do? Call to His Father in heaven and request and M-16 with a grenade launcher and blow all those measly Roman soldiers to bits (wow, that would make an interesting movie on "How Jesus Could've Gotten Out of Being Crucified!")? Nope. Because of LOVE, Jesus took everything the Roman and their demonic inspiration could throw at Him. And you know what? Jesus cried. He cried when He saw people hurting. He cried when He looked over Jerusalem and how they would reject Him and later pay the price. He cried when a friend died. "REAL MEN CRY." The Apostle Paul was shipwrecked, beaten numerous times, stoned, snake-bitten, imprisoned numerous times, ran out of many towns by angry mobs. Several times the Apostle Paul is described as having "many tears" for the people and work of God. "REAL MEN CRY."

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