Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Slight Change

Men's night is still on for supper, but both bowling alleys are covered up with

leagues. We'll start having our bowling days on the weekend. We'll still meet at the

church at 4:30PM. Thanks, Bro Daryl

Saturday, March 8, 2008

Men's Night For March 2008

The Men will be meeting at the church March 13, 2008, at 4:30 PM

to go eat at the Country Gentleman in Fulton, then on to bowl a couple of

games. I will do my best to get a guest appearance by the one and only

Wild Man Wellington. Be there!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Bro D

Monday, December 17, 2007

Men's Christmas Outing

Please make plans to join us for a "Men's-night-out", tentatively scheduled for Thursday, December 27th. Details will be posted soon.

Sunday, December 2, 2007

Men's Prayer Breakfast

Men's prayer breakfast will be Saturday
8AM, December 8,2007, at the church. Please
come and bring a hungry friend. We'll
definitely have a good time and fellowship.
Greg's grits and Ray's biscuits will set you
up for the day.

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Men's Night Out November 8, 2007

The men will go out Thursday night November 08, 2007.
We'll have to celebrate Brother Dave's boot camp
graduation(the same day), by feasting at Big Mike's,
then a trip to the lanes. Once again Brother Clint
will demonstrate his professional skills. Let's meet
at the church at 4:15 PM. See if we can get famous
people like fast ball Billie and BJ Raper, it's always
nice to have celebrities. See ya there!

Sunday, September 30, 2007

October 13, 2007 8 a.m. Prayer Breakfast

Thank you for the support for the September night out. We now know that
Brother Clint moonlights as a professional bowler. Don't miss our breakfast
and be prepared to discuss Proverbs Chapter 7. Please bring a friend.

Thursday, September 6, 2007

Men's Night Out Change

Due to the graduation ceremony on September 13,

we're gonna move our night out up to the 20th of September.

We are scheduled to have our next prayer breakfast October 13.

If you've never been out with us, you've never had so much

fun, just ask Wild Bill "fast ball" Wellington. See you there,

God Bless You! We'll leave from the church at 4:15.